Vital Forms
Principal design: Annie Guthrie
Simple, classic, primitive shapes. Commitment jewelry, altar jewelry, replicas, ancestral objects.
Collaborate with me to create a one-of-a-kind design. Commemorate a moment, intention, or desire.
Create a dream talisman, amulet, or binding ring. Build something simple to hold commitments or express your true nature.
In conversation with jeweler, you may co-create a truly meaningful design. Designs begin at $500. Carvings are cast in sterling. Fee includes consultation and rendering. Please allow 8 weeks from design to delivery.
Write me for information about other metals, sliding scale or smaller projects.
Consult yourself, therefore, regarding a magical ring, selecting the metal, stone and design that you are most pleased with. Then you have made a proper start, and, in a great many cases, need go no further; thus every plain gold marriage ring becomes a magical ring. As the courtship is exalted so will be the potency of the ring.
The Philosophy of Natural Magic, Henry Cornelius Agrippa
Simple, classic, primitive shapes. Commitment jewelry, altar jewelry, replicas, ancestral objects.
Collaborate with me to create a one-of-a-kind design. Commemorate a moment, intention, or desire.
Create a dream talisman, amulet, or binding ring. Build something simple to hold commitments or express your true nature.
In conversation with jeweler, you may co-create a truly meaningful design. Designs begin at $500. Carvings are cast in sterling. Fee includes consultation and rendering. Please allow 8 weeks from design to delivery.
Write me for information about other metals, sliding scale or smaller projects.
Consult yourself, therefore, regarding a magical ring, selecting the metal, stone and design that you are most pleased with. Then you have made a proper start, and, in a great many cases, need go no further; thus every plain gold marriage ring becomes a magical ring. As the courtship is exalted so will be the potency of the ring.
The Philosophy of Natural Magic, Henry Cornelius Agrippa